The foundation organizes birthdays of every child taking treatment at the hospital. This is to give children happy memories of the hospital when they go back home after getting cured.
Foundation organizes Art therapy/Craft/Music/Dance workshops to help the children forget about their disease issues and to heal them better.
“HOPE” is the celebration of “Victory over Cancer” and is the biggest Paediatric annual event of the hospital held in December every year to welcome the New Year together.
Outings like movies, picnics and Mumbai Darshan are organized for the children and their care-givers to not only show them the city but also to give them fun-times. These create happy memories of their stay in Mumbai.
The Foundation organizes non-formal meetings with all the parents every month to educate them on Cancer and also to address all their queries. The children are kept entertained separately during this period so that the parents can focus on the meetings.
The Foundation organizes outdoor camps for the patients twice in a year. This makes the children independent and help them reintegrate back into society, post completion of treatment and makes their journey a memorable one.